COVID-19 and Drug Markets Survey – Part 2
How has COVID-19 affected the way people buy, sell and take drugs?
Coronavirus Information: Click here to find out what Crew is doing in response to COVID-19
Coronavirus Information: Click here to find out what Crew is doing in response to COVID-19
How has COVID-19 affected the way people buy, sell and take drugs?
With all that stress it may not be the best time to take alcohol or other drugs, however it is important for those that chose to, there is access to credible and relevant information about how to stay as safe as possible.
Today we launch our new cannabis resource! This in-depth booklet covers different types of cannabis products, routes of administration, dealing with the munchies and much more.
The return to pubs and restaurants is starting to feel like a normal and welcome transition for many, but with spikes in COVID-19 cases linked to some bars in Scotland it’s important to consider how those working in hospitality and those attending can reduce the risk of virus transmission.
We’ve just released a new in-depth resource on MDMA. Covering the effects, information on low-risk dose, coming up, coming down and phantom pees the guide contains essential harm reduction information.
Benzodiazepine tablets in circulation may produce stronger effects than expected. Pills sold as ‘diazepam’, ‘Valium’ or ‘vallies’ may not contain only (or any) diazepam.
We stand with our transgender friends and colleagues.
We are living in a time of the biggest international movement for racial justice. Here is our commitment at Crew.
We’ve put together our second monthly summary report from our COVID-19 and Drug Markets survey to showcase the results from May.
Crew neither condemns nor condones drug use: we exist to reduce harm, challenge perceptions and help people make positive choices about their use of cannabis, stimulant and other social drugs and sexual health by providing non-judgemental, credible and up to date information and support.
0131 220 3404
32/32a Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1PB
Copyright © 2024 Crew 2000 · Crew 2000 (Scotland) is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, company number SC176635, and a charity also registered in Scotland, SC021500.
Registered office: 32/32a Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 1PB.