You can download all of our resources online or order some for print.
Coronavirus Information: Click here to find out what Crew is doing in response to COVID-19
Coronavirus Information: Click here to find out what Crew is doing in response to COVID-19
You can download all of our resources online or order some for print.
This A5 32-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about amphetamine, from the effects, mental health and the risk of mixing with other drugs.
This A5 36-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about benzos, from the effects to the risks of street benzos, dependency and withdrawal.
This A5 36-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about cannabis, from the effects to different products, mental health and getting the munchies.
This A5 32-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about cocaine, from the effects to dependency, sleep management and mental health.
This A5 24-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about consent, from the law to bringing up the conversation and where to get support.
This A5 16-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about drugs and diabetes, from the effects of different drugs to planning for a night out.
This A5 32-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about MDMA, from the effects to low risk dosing and how to respond to an emergency.
This A5 36-page full colour booklet covers information on 16 common psychoactive drugs and key harm reduction tips.
This A5 20-page full colour booklet covers what you need to know about smart drugs, from what they are and how they are used to tips for improving focus and managing stress.
This A5 16-page full colour booklet covers information on THC Vapes and key harm reduction tips on vaping and THC vapes specifically.
Want to know your sexual health status? This flowchart will help you find out the easiest way to access sexual health testing.
A flyer explaining how to use the postal drug-testing service WEDINOS to find out what might be in your drugs.
4/20 and lockdown – how might your experience of cannabis be different while in lockdown?
How to access sexual health services in Edinburgh – information current as of November 2022.
Our short leaflet on ketamine is available for advance order. This 12 page leaflet has the very key info you need to know about ketamine. Look out for our in-depth booklet coming soon!
A short resource on poppers – what they are, their legal status and how to reduce harm if you choose to take them.
#1 harm reduction tip is to avoid taking drugs alone but if you are by yourself here are some tips to reduce the risk.
A quick introduction to nitazenes – a new type of synthetic opioids circulating in the UK drugs market.
A quick 12 page introduction to xylazines –what they are, the risks and how to reduce harm when taken.
Our 2019-20 report covering drug trends, drug related deaths and the impact of COVID-19
Youth voices on drug policy and drug education report in partnership with Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) and the Scottish Government
Crew neither condemns nor condones drug use: we exist to reduce harm, challenge perceptions and help people make positive choices about their use of cannabis, stimulant and other social drugs and sexual health by providing non-judgemental, credible and up to date information and support.
0131 220 3404
32/32a Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1PB
Copyright © 2024 Crew 2000 · Crew 2000 (Scotland) is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland, company number SC176635, and a charity also registered in Scotland, SC021500.
Registered office: 32/32a Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 1PB.