Get involved – Designing a Young Person’s Cannabis Harm Reduction Toolkit


Aged 12-25? Interested in cannabis harm reduction? We want to hear from you!

Our Drop-in team are looking for young people aged 12-25 who are interested in collaborating on the design and development of a brand new cannabis resource that is designed by and for young people.

The Young People’s Cannabis Harm Reduction Toolkit is aimed at anyone who might want to learn more about cannabis harm reduction, people who might be thinking about making changes to their relationship with cannabis or might even be thinking about stopping taking cannabis altogether.

Get involved

To kickstart the development of the toolkit we are collecting your views in a short survey [this survey is now closed]If you are 25 or under and currently take or have taken cannabis in the past, follow the link [this survey is now closed] to take our Cannabis Harm Reduction Toolkit Survey about how you take cannabis and help us create include the most relevant and accurate information in the toolkit. The survey takes 5-8 minutes to complete, and is confidential. You can choose to identify yourself if you like, and will be given the opportunity to share contact details, but you can also choose to remain anonymous if you prefer. 

COMPLETE OUR SHORT SURVEY [this survey is now closed]

Have a chat

If you have any questions about the survey, or would like to chat about your experiences with cannabis, please email   

If you are looking for support around cannabis, you can access support from our  Drop-in team. If you are based in Edinburgh you can pop in to the Drop-in Shop at 32 Cockburn St, Edinburgh. You can also get touch with our Digital Drop-in by emailing, messaging us on Instagram or sending a free text to 07860047501.   

Useful links