Earlier this year Crew were able to take part in an excellent project with young people from St Andrew’s High in Coatbridge. As part of the THRIVE project offered by Edinburgh based environmental organisation “The Green Team“, Crew staff and S3 and S4 students headed of to the wilderness near Linlithgow.
The 11 week programme focuses on young people who have experienced difficulties in their lives offering a mix of indoor and outdoor activities including conservation tasks, nature sessions and some peer-led work too. The programme allowed the participants to gain a new understanding of the environment and gain new skills in the outdoors!
The peer-led sessions focused on coping strategies, risk taking behaviour, a cannabis legalisation debate, house parties, alcohol and ecstasy. From this some artwork was developed along with artists from the Too Much Fun Club. This is also being made into a flyer with advice for young people that the participants would be useful messaging around house parties and staying safe.
You can read more about the project in the Green Team write up for The Conservation Volunteers (TVC) Scotland autumn network bulletin which can be found here.

Art work developed with the Too Much Fun Club